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As a mom, I love sharing products, items and now books that inspire moms.

I love growing as a parent and a mom. Finding inspirational books, videos and things that are full of wealth to help me to be a better parent.

So when I was asked to share about this Mom Power Back set of Books, I was thrilled.

The Mom Power Pack includes 5 books that are guaranteed to leave any mom inspired, wiser, smarter and just encouraged.

The books include:

  • Slay Like a Mother
  • Motherhood so White
  • The Manager Mom Epidemic
  • Making Space – Clutter free
  • The 30-day money cleanse

Here is a little overview on each book:

  • Slay Like A Mother – In this emotionally charged how-to guide, you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll discover eye-opening lessons about:
    • THE MASK YOU’RE WEARING. The one you hide behind when you say everything is “just fine” when it’s not.
    • YOUR UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS. The goal-setting tactics you’re deploying to get ahead could be what’s holding you back.
    • THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STRUGGLING AND SUFFERING. Being a mother is a struggle — it always has been — but your suffering is optional.
  • Motherhood So White is the story of Nefertiti’s fight to create the family she always knew she was meant to have and the story of motherhood that all American families need now. In this unflinching account of her parenting journey, Nefertiti examines the history of adoption in the African American community, faces off against stereotypes of single, Black motherhood, and confronts the reality of raising children of color in racially charged, modern-day America.
  • The Manager Mom Epidemic – is the first book that not only acknowledges the fact that moms are burning out, but shows you how to transfer responsibility for daily tasks from yourself to your partner and also (gasp!) your kids.
  • Making Space Clutter Free – Decluttering expert Tracy McCubbin offers revolutionary help to anyone who has repeatedly tried to break their clutter’s mysterious hold. Her powerful answer lies in the 7 Emotional Clutter Blocks, unconscious obstacles that stood between thousands of her clients and financial freedom, healthy relationships, and positive outlooks.
  • The 30 – Day Money Cleanse – Create lasting happiness with your financial situation ― not by creating a blistering budget but by living the life you love!

For more information please visit https://www.sourcebooks.com/

These books would make the perfect gift set for any mom.

I can’t wait to crack these open during car pick up line or when I have free time.

Spreading Mommy Magic to all you moms! Happy Monday!