Fall is right around the corner. If you are anything like me, you are always looking for great places that have warm drinks. My favorite Fall item to drink is Hot Chocolate. I love Hot Chocolate. During the Fall, I make homemade Hot Chocolate at least 3 times a week.
Hot Chocolate was known as Hot Cocoa growing up as a child. My parents never made the homemade hot cocoa. We would often buy the packaged hot cocoa with the mini marshmallows in the individuals packs.
I remember my brother and I trying different types of milk. We would use whole milk, canned carnation milk or water. Looking for the best tasting hot chocolate. During Fall time we drank this regularly. I think as a child the canned carnation milk with some sugar and the Swiss miss with marshmallows was the best way to go.
But now I make my very own Hot Chocolate. I will give you one of my recipe later in this blog for my famous Homemade Hot Chocolate.
But below are my two favorite spots to get Hot Chocolate. First is Indulge Sweet Shop. Indulge is most know for their delicious Desserts. But one night about a year ago, I was out with some friends and one of my friends ordered the Hot Chocolate. Her reaction was priceless. She has a very calm and quiet demeanor. I can’t hardly ever remember a time she has ever reacted the way she has to any food item. But she said Wow, this is so good. Not in her normal quiet tone, but in a very exciting, loud tone. Lol. Which made me laugh as well as intrigued me to try it. I took a sip and man was this that Hot Chocolate good.
Pictured above is the Hot Chocolate from Indulge. I went to Indulge recently and decided to get the Hot Chocolate and it was as good this time as it was the first time I had it. Creamy, Chocolatey goodness in this cute brown cup. The hot chocolate is topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. So good. Check it out.
I have blogged on Indulge in the past. So for a more extensive blog on Indulge Sweet Shop, visit my blog post.
About 2 weeks ago, I had breakfast with a friend and I tried the Dirty Hot Chocolate. The Dirty hot Chocolate is hot chocolate topped with whipped cream, chocolate shaving and their magical chocolate fairy dust. I love the chocolate powder on the saucer and the mug as well. Great presentation if I must say myself. Rich goodness.
The Lab also has something called The Dirty Dirty Hot Chocolate which is Hot Chocolate with a shot of Espresso. When it comes to Hot Chocolate, I am a strictly Chocolate kind of girl, but I wanted to try it for the sake of my readers who love Coffee. It it a shot of Espresso within your hot chocolate. It was ok. I think the Coffee Lovers will love it.
I frequent The Lab quite often when I have a morning meeting. It’s a great place to grab some breakfast, Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate. One of my favorite places in town.
In the past I did a more extensive blog post on The Lab, feel free to revisit my post for more on the Lab.
In my home during the Fall Season, as I mentioned earlier, Hot chocolate is made several times a week. My husband and my daughter both love Hot Chocolate. I do several versions of Hot Chocolate, but I have included a recipe for my very own Chocolatey Hot Chocolate. So good.
This recipe’s measurement was small because it was just for my daughter and I. But if you are making for more than 2 people, just add more based on quantities of two.
For my hot chocolate below is what you will need. Milk, Sundae Syrup, Hershey Cocoa Unsweetened, Imitation Vanilla, Bakers Semi-sweet Hot Chocolate, Marshmallows and Whip cream (unpictured).
Start with the Milk, I use Lactaid Milk, but you can use whatever type of milk you like. This recipe calls for 2 cups of milk. Add the milk to the sauce pan on medium heat. Be sure not to boil or let the milk run over. You will see lots of bubbles forming when it is hot enough.
Below you will see some of the items that I use for measuring and for making the hot chocolate. But you can use whatever you have to get the job done. I have measuring spoons, a whisk and a hand grater
Once your milk is hot and ready to go add 1 tablespoons of Hershey Cocoa Unsweetened. Use a whisk to stir in the cocoa. Whisk until dissolved. Turn the stove onto a low simmer. Let this go for about 2-3 minutes.
Stir in 2 tablespoons of Chocolate Syrup. This syrup is typically used on top of ice cream, but it works well for Hot Chocolate.
Next add 1 1/2 tablespoons of sugar. Stir in and mix well.
Once the sugar is dissolved, Add 1/8 tsp of Vanilla extract shown below. Turn off the burner. Stir and Serve
Below is the hot chocolate. Hot Chocolate toppings vary from person to person. Some people like just whip cream or marshmallows or plain hot chocolate.
We top our hot chocolate with mini-marshmallows first.
Next add your whip cream. Creamy or original is our favorite.
Last but not least. Shave some Chocolate on top. Use the hand grater to shave the chocolate on top. At the bottom is the picture of final project. Delicious.
Ready for Fall with this Delicious Hot Chocolate.
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