Today my husband and I celebrate 15 years of marriage. I still remember the day we were married.  My fairytale wedding.  What a blessing!

God sent my husband to Lafayette just for me.  He was intricately designed just for me. He loved me through some of my toughest seasons.  He understands me better than anyone else.  Thank you God for my guy!

Recently, I was watching a TV show and there was so much preparation for the big wedding!  Money spent, food catered, guest list, custom dresses, flowers and so much more.

It reminded me that people invest so much into the wedding day, but forget that life really begins after the vows, after the honeymoon, after all the dancing, etc.

“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh”  (Genesis 2:24 NIV).

Marriage is not easy but worth fighting for.  After 15 years, I realize though we are both different from that day we married, I love him more now than I did then.

Is our marriage perfect?  Absolutely not!  We have problems and issues we deal with like the next couple.

I had someone tell me, oh you and Brian look like you’ll never have any issues. Lol, I had to laugh, I said no we just chose not to broadcast our problems to everyone.

I never understood how people would use social media to blast their spouses. Or talk bad about your spouse with friends. Ummm no, you have to be wise with who you share your issues with, because not everyone is trust worthy when it comes to your marriage.

“Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral” (Hebrews 13:4 NIV).

Marriage is sacred and should be taken and handled with care. Having a few people who you know you can confide in or have as accountability for your marriage is important. But choose wisely.

Every married couple needs accountability partners. People who can help you through those tough seasons. Those times when maybe you guys aren’t communicating well or you’re not hearing each other. So critical.

Marriage is a daily work. You must work just as hard as you did when you first married to keep your marriage fresh. Having a healthy marriage for your kids is important but it’s just as important for you two as you made a vow to Love, Commitment, Honor and Respect.

Happy Anniversary My Love. Let’s shoot for 15 plus more years!