Taking a quick break from Food Blogging to share some Wednesday Wisdom. Let me share this disclaimer, I am by no means an expert on this subject but I do have some experience in this area.

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Photo Credit: https://www.facebook.com/PowerInFaithfulPrayer/

Prayer is communication between you and God. Time where we speak and allow God to speak to us.

I learned about prayer at an early age at church as well at home. I grew up in the home of mighty prayer warrior, my mom.

I wouldn’t be the woman I am today without the prayers of mom. My mom prayed many prayers for me and my brother as well as my own kids before they were even conceived. She is still praying and interceding for us.

Prayer is God’s protection and guidance to the right place in life that God would have us to be.

As I am a parent myself, I have found myself praying more and more for my kids.

They are all on different levels and in different places in life, but they need prayer. Prayer for them allows God’s work to be performed in their lives.

But the enemy makes us feel there is a downside to prayer. Huh, you might be saying… Let me explain. There are moments when we are praying and the enemy forms attacks that make us feel that prayer isn’t working.

That’s a lie! Prayer is working but the enemy sends attacks to catch us off guard and discourage us. He wants us to stop praying. But that’s when we are to pray harder. We have to form a full fledged attack on the enemy.

What if we get weak? I’m glad that you asked, having a group of people that you can call on to pray along side of you is critical. People who can hold you up when you don’t know what else to pray or you are too weak to pray.

Once your strength is restored resume your attack in prayer. Prayer is a weapon that the enemy doesn’t want us to use. That’s why there are so many distractions when we go to pray. Because if we can be devoted to prayer like we are to everything else. Oh my gosh what damaged could we do in the Spirit realm. I’m getting pumped just thinking about it.

“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16 NIV).

What if you are a mom and you don’t know how to pray? I am sharing a new set of books I started today, 31 Prayers to Pray for Your Son and 31 Prayers to pray for your Daughter.

This is an awesome prayer guide to those who need help praying for their kids. As well as to those moms who want to add some additional resources to your prayer time.

Moms have to stick together and encourage one another.

No matter how old your child is, they will always need your prayers.

I hope that this short bit of wisdom will help someone. Remember we are to Cast our Cares on the Lord. “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (I Peter 5:7 NIV).

Happy Wednesday!!