
Cinnamon & Sugar Bisc-onuts

Cinnamon & Sugar Bisc-onuts

I have two kids that are both different when it comes to breakfast. One is a traditional breakfast eater. He loves oatmeal, a cereal bar and fruit every morning. But he also gets a second breakfast, that's what he calls it. He eats anything at that point that I give...

Air Fryer Chicken Wings

Air Fryer Chicken Wings

#SponsoredPost It's officially Football Season. Our house is so happy that Football Season is here!! One of our favorite things to snack on while watching a football game is Chicken wings. Oh man, some good chicken wings with fries or carrots and celery with a side of...

Warehouse 72

Warehouse 72

A few weekends ago, my husband and I attended a marriage conference. We stopped in on our way to our hotel at Warehouse 72 for a Lunch Date. I will share more about this marriage conference in an upcoming blog post. Warehouse 72  is a modern bistro and bar serving up...

Acme Oyster House Houston

Acme Oyster House Houston

We are no strangers to finding the best Seafood spots. Whether during our times of Travel or in our local state of Texas. Seafood is often a go to for us. Being from Louisiana, we ate Seafood very often. Acme Oyster House is a favorite in Louisiana. Serving up...

The Boathouse Orlando

The Boathouse Orlando

My family and I spent 4 days in Orlando, Florida for a quick vacation. We are in the middle of a house project so we decided to take a quick trip and return home. Though it was a quick trip, it was an awesome trip. We had a lot of fun and we returned home very relaxed...

Floyd’s Mount Belvieu

Floyd’s Mount Belvieu

My family was in town visiting recently. On our way home from picking my grandma and mom up we stopped in at Floyd's. My family was coming from Louisiana and my uncle meets me at the Texas Rest Stop to pick up my Mom and Grandma. Perfect location to meet up. Really...

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