Color Me Mine Cypress
In our home, Family Nights are on Fridays. We live such a busy life during the week that we try our best to be intentional about spending time as a family. Our kiddos both love Painting. We decided to find a paint studio that we could go and enjoy as a family. To our...
Shrimp Tikka Masala
Quick Meals are a must for me lately, especially for lunch. I've been slammed with work and trying to eat at home for lunch. Simply because I want to stay away from Fast Food and unhealthy dishes. I recently made a yummy lunch that would also make a great...
Rustic Joyful Food: Generations, Rachael Ray Show
#SponsoredPost Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love Cookbooks. I have shelves and shelves full of cookbooks. I love checking out the newest cookbooks. Seeing some of the different recipes that people are creating is always fascinating and inspiring. I enjoy...
Mushrooms & Eggs Toast
Having toast for breakfast is not your traditional trend any more. Use to be years ago, buttered toast with orange juice. Now when we speak of toast for breakfast we know that there are a variety of toppings that you can choose from. Whether you are looking for a...
Just Made Giveaway
Sponsored Post It's January, which means that many people are hitting the gym, reaching fitness goals, personal goals and eating healthy. I have to be honest, I am the same. It's mid January and I feel like I am crushing it so far. One of the things that I said that...
L’OCA Ciuca, Vigevano, Italy
I am continuing my journey through Italy. Thanks for sticking with me as I continue on. I will be sharing more blogs here and there in between recipes and restaurant reviews. But I promise you want to keep up. The best is still to come. Day two started out early with...
High Velocity, LSU Tigers
The College Football National Championship 2020 is today! To say that I am excited is beyond the word! I am stoked, because our LSU Tigers are playing tonight! Wooohoo! For my followers who don't know, I absolutely love the LSU Tigers. We were season ticket holders...
Sprinkle This Seasonings
Sponsored Post First Favorite's Friday of 2020! For my new followers, Favorite's Friday is where I share new products that I have tried. I share details about the product and what I love about the products. Recently, I had the opportunity to work with a seasoning...
Ground Chicken Bowl
Right now most people are on a health kick. Hitting the gym, eating right and trying to get more sleep! Me like most people I am working to do the same. This recipe is a very easy one to create. My goal was to offer healthy alternatives in this bowl. There is nothing...
Crooked Branch
Rest should be a vital part of our life. Proper rest is necessary for us all. Rest refreshes, revives, inspires and also allows time and space for us to be still in the presence of God. My husband and I decided to take a few days away from our home and kiddos to just...