Grilled Shrimp Sandwich
#SponsoredPost If you have been following me for any length of time, then you know that I love Seafood. Shrimp is one of my favorite seafood items. I decided to create a simple, healthy Shrimp Sandwich. I wanted to briefly tell you about a product by Mt. Olive Pickles...
Whitewater 360
We are fresh off our trip to Horseshoe Bay Resort. I will be sharing more about the resort in a future blog post. Today’s blog is about one of the restaurants within the Horseshoe Bay Resort, Whitewater 360 restaurant. Whitewater 360 Sports Club is located at the...
Yellow Dog Coffee Co.
My husband and I love to travel. It’s been a minute since we’ve traveled anywhere due to the pandemic and busyness of our life. We recently traveled out of town for a little R & R. One of my favorite things to do when we travel is to find cute, little coffee...
Paper Mario Origami King
It's officially Spring Break. I am kicking it off with this new blog post with a special guest writer, my daughter. She is a big gamer. Video games is one of the things she loves playing as a family, with friends, her brother or alone. Paper Mario came out not long...
Honey Butter Air Fryer Biscuits
Baking is not my strong suit. It's no secret. As much as I love to cook, I've never been interested in Baking. But I tell you what I can add a little pizzazz to any item that's simple. From a boxed cake adding a little garnish or a creative baking pan. I love being...
Steak B-DAY Dinner
#SponsoredPost My husband recently had a birthday. Birthday's are a big deal in our house. Whether it's a party or just a Birthday Dinner, we celebrate. Unfortunately my husband's birthday fell in the middle of the Winter Snow Storm. Oh my word!! I was so stressed...
Harris County Smokehouse Katy
We were blessed to survive the Winter Storm. A few days after the storm, the weather and ice cleared up and we were free to go about our normal activities. My family and I decided to go out and grab lunch in the area. Before lunch we headed to La Centerra in Katy, TX....
Chicken Alfredo Bowl
My kids will eat pasta everyday if I let them. They love pasta. It was kid's choice night at our house and of course pasta was one of the suggestions. I decided to try something different with my Chicken Alfredo, A Chicken Alfredo Bowl Simple ingredients doesn't mean...
Main Squeeze Juice Cypress
Sponsored Post Smoothies, Fresh Juices, Smoothie Bowls are all apart of my daily routine. I substitute eating a daily breakfast for any of the three mentioned above anyday. These are all great before my morning workout. Last week my husband & I checked out a brand...
Shrimp Etouffee
Sponsored Post Lent Season is in full effect for many. I am dropping a brand new recipe/product, Cajun Etouffee base. The Cajun Etouffee base is so easy to use. The base is perfect to add chicken, shrimp, fish or crawfish. By adding your spices, trinity (onions, bell...